Where do consumers with New Year's resolutions actually go to start eating healthy?

An Ipsos study tries to find out where consumers actually go to fulfill their healthy eating resolutions.

It’s a New Year and with that comes a wave of New Year resolutions. One such resolution is the ever popular, get fit and improve ones’ general health and wellbeing.

Looking at those who Strongly Agree ‘I am taking steps to stay healthy in the future’ and Strongly Agree ‘I’m concerned about my weight’ there are some interesting gaps between their good intentions and the food they’re actually considering…and consuming.

When it comes to QSR’s that this audience is considering eating at, two of the top three QSR’s are perceived as ‘healthy’ options. Interestingly too, with its range of salads and wraps, McDonald’s is increasingly being seen to ‘offer a healthy alternative’.

Of this group 39% considered Subway, 29% McDonald’s and 23% Boost Juice

So what did they actually eat over the last 4 weeks?

35% visited McDonalds, 20% visited Subway, and 20% visited KFC

It’s important to note that there is more to these findings than people simply choosing to forego their health kick. Availability and convenience offered by the considered store plays an important role as can be seen in the chart.

So what causes such a large drop off between consideration and usage amongst the health focused QSR users? For QSR’s which are widely available such as Subway, perhaps the low conversion rate can be attributed to a lack of innovation or character, two attributes which ranked relatively low.

For information about the research work done by Ipsos please contact leo.hronsky@ipsos.com

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