, Australia

7-Eleven announces openings in suburbs, high-density locations this month

The chain opens 30 stores a year.

7-Eleven announced the opening of new stores across Victoria, NSW and Queensland this month.

Weeks after opening in Singleton, the chain opened its doors in Woombye, Tarneit West, Richmond West, Booragoon, and Maidstone. In total, the openings provided approximately 30 new jobs and several internal promotions among the total team.

“7-Eleven is a customer driven growth organisation, opening on average 30 stores a year. Our new sites reflect a desire to be very accessible to our customers both in filling current suburban network gaps and in new communities,” General manager for retail operations Braeden Lord explained in a media release.

“Opening this number of stores while balancing additional safety requirements and restrictions due to COVID-19 has taken a phenomenal effort from our entire team. From construction, recruitment, supply chain, merchandising, training and store operations everyone involved has done an incredible job,” he added.

The openings, the chain says, are part of data-driven plans to expand their footprint into new suburbs, regional locations and high-density locations.

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